
Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency.

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Built for engineers

Use this learning plan to master Rust and build low-level, memory safe, concurrent, and performant systems.


  1. Basic Syntax and Data Types

    • Variables and Constants: Learn how to declare and use variables and constants in Rust. Understand the concept of mutability.
    • Data Types: Familiarize yourself with basic data types such as integers, floats, booleans, characters, and tuples.
    • Operators: Understand arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators in Rust.
  2. Control Structures

    • Conditionals (if/else/else if): Learn how to make decisions in your programs.
    • Loops (loop, while, for): Understand different looping constructs in Rust.
    • Pattern Matching (match): Learn about Rust's powerful pattern matching feature.
  3. Ownership, Borrowing, and Lifetimes

    • Ownership and Borrowing: Understand Rust's ownership system, where each value has a single owner.
    • References and Mutable References: Learn how to use references to allow multiple parts of your program to access data without copying it.
    • Lifetimes: Understand the concept of lifetimes to ensure memory safety.
  4. Structs, Enums, and Patterns

    • Structs: Learn how to define custom data types using structs.
    • Enums: Understand how to define enumerations, which allow you to model different states.
    • Pattern Matching with Enums: Explore how to match on different variants of enums.

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